Background of Hazara Quami Mahaz

By dividing the Hazarewals (the residents of Hazara region), the centuries-long history of the Hazarewals was shaken. The region from Khairabad to Kohistan was restricted from Haripur to Kohistan and the people having one culture were divided into two parts and connected to the regions having two different cultures. In which, along with other losses, the biggest loss is that even today the people of Hazara have to pass through another province of Punjab to go to the provincial capital. Similarly, the people of Haripur have to travel a long distance from Khairabad to reach the provincial capital.

Before the establishment of Pakistan

Before the creation of Pakistan, there was a question mark on the identity and protection of the rights of Indian Muslims, on the basis of the freedom movement took off and the Muslims of India established a separate state of Pakistan. Before the existence of Pakistan, various states were given the right to let their people decide whether to join Pakistan or India. A referendum was also held in the Muslim-majority North-West Frontier Province and the result came out on 18 July 1947. The then rulers of the North-West Frontier Province sitting across the Attock district were not in favor of Pakistan and announced a boycott of the referendum as they were in favor of annexation of the province to Afghanistan and there was no such proposal in the referendum. But salutations to the love of the people of Hazara, for Pakistan, who voted in the favor of Pakistan with a heavy lead of 99.02%.

Our Fault

Perhaps this was the punishment due to which the Hazarewals were treated like stepchildren during every period and they were deprived of the basic rights such as identity, education, health, infrastructure and employment.

The Theory

Keeping all the deprivations in mind, the great leader and thinker of Hazara, Muhammad Asif Malik, gave a theory to the nation. According to which the creation of a single province of Hazara by uniting Khairabad and Kohistan region can cure the sufferings of the Hazarewal nation. Muhammad Asif Malik was the first person who coined the term “Hazarewal” for the people living in Hazara region, irrespective of their ethnicity, caste or creed. This term united all the residents under one umbrella to strive for the achievement of their common goal that is the creation of Hazara Province that has sufficient resources to run its everyday affairs.

Creation of a political party

The late Quaid-e-Hazara (the great leader of Hazara), Muhammad Asif Malik Advocate registered a political party named Hazara Qaumi Mahaz, Pakistan (HQM) on 18th July 1987 whose main objective was to protect identity and rights of Hazarewals. The political party, under the chairmanship of its great founder, carved out a well devised plan for the creation of Hazara province by working out its resources, income and other potentials.

The Struggle of Hazara Quami Mahaz (HQM)

Since its inception, HQM has been working for the uplift of Hazarewals and the region in general. For this purpose, various steps have been taken. For example, in 1990, an organized movement was launched for the establishment of an education board in Hazara. In 1992, a resolution was presented in the Provincial Assembly for the establishment of Hazara province, behind which was the struggle of HQM. At that time, the resolution could not be passed

In 1993, a struggle was started for the establishment of Hazara University, since the region had no public university of its own till then. As a result, the leadership had to bear the hardships of imprisonment. Of course, in 1993, this movement could not be successful because there was a historic flood in Hazara, due to which the movement was postponed.

In 1997, the coalition Government of Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (PML-N)and Awami National Party (ANP) in the province, passed a resolution to change the name of the province by a two-third majority and sent it to the Federal Government where the PML-N had a two-third majority Government. But under the patronage of the great leader, Asif Malik, Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan protested strongly in the entire Hazara, due to which this agreement could not be presented in the National Assembly.

In 1999, it was decided to shut down the DHQ Hospital Abbottabad. However, Asif Malik, along with his comrades started the movement and for the first time in the history of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Hazara Asif Malik went on a hunger strike until death. He was even admitted in the hospital because he really did not eat or drink for many days. Consequently, the biggest arrests in the history of Hazara were made. In which 200 veterans were taken to the prison in Haripur and 13 leaders were taken to DI Khan prison. Finally, Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan, under the charismatic leadership of its founder, got the DHQ hospital restored in 2000.

In 2001, the movement to establish Hazara University was once again strongly organized and under the leadership of Asif Malik, the movement was successful and Hazara University was established in Manshera.

In the local elections of 2005, the associates of Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan had a partial victory

In 2007, the Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan played a prominent role in the Judiciary Restoration Movement and endured the hardships of imprisonment.

On July 18, 2008, Quaid-e-Hazara Asif Malik Advocate left this world, but his ideology and thoughts will live forever. He has given a vision to the community of Hazara that cannot die ever.

In 2009, Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan under the leadership of Asif Malik's son, Ali Asif Malik, convinced Abbottabad District Nazim-Ala Sardar Haider Zaman about the idea of ​​Hazara province and appointed him as the patron-general of Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan.

Sardar Baba Haider Zaman, the head of Hazara Qaumi Mahaz, told the the workers of Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan that it was the struggle of Hazarewals as a whole and later, the Hazara nation was given an unknown flag and some commentators called it registration of a party on demand. Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan for the sake of Hazara cause gave up all its hopes in the 2013 election in favor of a newly formed political party and worked day and night in the election campaign of the former patriarch Haider Zaman. However, this was just an eyewash and the arrangement failed badly to work in the favor of the actual objective that is the creation of Hazara Province.


Our Struggle Continues

The present Chairman of Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan, Qazi Muhammad Azhar, knocked the door of the court several times for the rights of his people and tried to give shelter to his people under the umbrella of HQM. The achievements of the leaders of Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan, as well as its veterans from different parts of the country, especially those living in Karachi, have a long history of hard work for the Hazara nation. The sacrifice of Sardar Shahid Shaheed, who was the first to sacrifice his life for the sake of the nation, is at the top and the history is full of sacrifices.

The Future Commandments

Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan is a political party with a long list of efforts and a history of 35 years. This party is committed to the ideology and constitution given by its great leader and founder Muhammad Asif Malik and will remain so, God willing. The purpose of which is not only limited to the establishment of a separate province for the Hazarewals, but also the protection of social, political and economic rights of the people after the establishment of the province. That is why its name is the Quami Mahaz of Hazara, which will protect the interest of the nation at the national as well as international level.

The core members of the Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan got separated from the Front in 1998 and joined Wali Muhammad Khan's group who also parted his ways from HQM in 2007. However, time and circumstances united many nationalists for which countless efforts were made which was very important for the Hazara cause. Some other nationalists are still engaged in separate struggles, efforts to unite them all under one umbrella are still ongoing.

The core members returned to HQM in 2010 when the HQM patron brought the Hazara cause to global prominence by registering a political party there and did a lot of damage. Last month, Hazara Awami Ittehad (Wali Muhammad Khan Group) was merged into Mahaz by Ijaz Shah Central President and General Secretary Javed Khan. The Hazara Movement, whose chairman was Asad Javed Jadoon, also merged the organization into the Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan in the wider public interest.


Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan is committed to its constitution, which is fully democratic and does not have any kind of heredity. Any person can become the chairman of the party according to the constitution of the party. And every Hazaraywal is invited to play their role by joining the Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan for the struggle of Hazara province and show their loyalty to the Hazara Quami Mahaz by integrating every organization or political party into the Hazara Quami Mahaz. Enter the name in golden letters. And there is a need to organize the 35-year struggle of the Hazara nation.

On March 30, 2010, Hazara Qaumi Mahaz Pakistan started a protest movement against Pakhtun Khaw. On March 31, 2010, the Hazara National Front of Pakistan organized an all Parties Conference and tried to unite the entire Hazara nation for the struggle of Hazara province, which was led by the patriarch of the Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan, Baba Haider Zaman. A serious of protests and rallies were arranged afterwards. During one such protest, on April 12, 2010, 12 persons sacrificed their lives on April 12, 2010 and riddled their bodies with bullets that also belonged to Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan. Since then, 12th April is regarding as a “Black Day” in the history of Hazara.

Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan Official Song

ہزارےوال زندہ باد

قومی محاذ زندہ باد