Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan, a political powerhouse founded by the visionary Asif Malik (may he rest in peace), stood alongside his esteemed comrades with a resolute purpose: to carve out a distinct province from the fabric of Pakistan and to champion the rights of Hazaraywal with fervor and determination.

ایک ہی نعرہ صوبہ ہزارہ

The Hazara region of Pakistan has a distinct identity, culture, and language that sets it apart from other parts of the country. However, for many years, the people of Hazara felt marginalized and neglected by the central government in Islamabad. They felt that their voices were not being heard and that their concerns were not being addressed. Asif Malik recognized this problem and decided to take action.

Malik was a charismatic leader who inspired his people to fight for their rights. He founded the Hazara Qaumi Mahaz (HQM) party and began a campaign for a separate province for Hazara. He believed that a separate province would give the people of Hazara the power to make decisions about their own future and to chart their own course.

Malik's campaign was based on the principles of democracy, justice, and equality. He believed that every citizen of Pakistan had the right to be heard and that every citizen deserved to be treated with respect and dignity. He worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the Hazara cause and to mobilize support from the Pakistani people.

Malik's efforts bore fruit when, in 1994, the government of Pakistan recognized Hazara as a division of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. However, this was not enough for Malik, who continued to push for a separate province. He argued that a division was not sufficient to address the unique needs of the Hazara people and that only a separate province would provide the autonomy and resources necessary to ensure their prosperity.

Malik's campaign for a separate province continued until his death in 2008. However, his legacy lives on today, as the HQM party continues to fight for the cause of Hazara's autonomy. The party continues to raise awareness of the Hazara cause both in Pakistan and abroad.

In conclusion, Asif Malik was a true leader who dedicated his life to the cause of creating a separate province for the people of Hazara. His vision of identity, rights, and protection inspired a generation of Hazara activists, and his legacy lives on today. He will be remembered as a hero who fought for the rights of his people and who never gave up in the face of adversity. Salute to Asif Malik, may he rest in peace.

Quaid e Tehreek Sooba Hazara Muhammad Asif Malik (Late 1960-2008)

Asif Malik, the leader of Hazara, was a true visionary who dedicated his life to the cause of creating a separate province for his people. He believed in the principles of identity, rights, and protection, and worked tirelessly to ensure that the people of Hazara had a voice in the political system of Pakistan. From 1987 until his death in 2008, Malik did all he could to promote the cause of a separate province for Hazara, and his legacy lives on today.

Chairman's Message

Dear fellow citizens of Hazara,

Our party believes in a progressive and inclusive society where every individual has equal rights and opportunities, regardless of their caste, creed, or ethnicity. We envision a society where everyone has access to basic necessities such as healthcare, education, clean water, and affordable housing. We also want to promote the growth of local businesses and industries to create job opportunities for our youth and boost our economy.

However, we cannot achieve this vision without addressing the long-standing issue of underrepresentation and neglect of Hazara by the federal and provincial governments. That is why our party strongly advocates for the creation of a separate province for the people of Hazara.

A separate Hazara province will not only provide us with greater political representation but also allow us to prioritize the development and progress of our region. It will also help us preserve our unique culture and heritage while promoting intercultural harmony and diversity.

We are aware of the challenges that lie ahead in the creation of a separate province, but we are committed to working towards this goal with dedication and determination. We believe that a separate province for the people of Hazara will bring positive change and prosperity to our community.

We also want to assure you that our party is committed to serving the people of Hazara with honesty, integrity, and transparency. We will work tirelessly to bring about the changes needed to ensure a better future for our people.

In conclusion, our party firmly believes that the creation of a separate province for the people of Hazara is a crucial step towards achieving our vision for a progressive and inclusive society. We are committed to working towards this goal with dedication and determination, and we hope that you will support us in our endeavors.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Qazi Azhar Chairman, Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan

Qazi M. Azhar Advocate

As the chairman of Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan, I want to take this opportunity to share my vision for the people of Hazara and for the creation of a separate province for our community.

Hazara is a land of rich culture, history, and diversity. Our people have always contributed to the development and progress of Pakistan, and we are proud of our heritage. However, despite our many contributions, the people of Hazara have been neglected and marginalized by the federal and provincial governments.

The butterfly, our political symbol, represents the essence of Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan. It signifies our party's commitment to growth, transformation, and positive change for the people of Hazara. we invite you to join us in our mission to uplift the community and create a brighter future for all.

Behold, the majestic Flag unfurled before you is none other than the esteemed ensign of Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan, proudly waving in all its official glory.

The proposed Map of Sooba Hazara, a meticulously crafted masterpiece brought to you by the brilliant minds of Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan. Let this intricate map be a symbol of hope and unity for the Hazara community, showcasing their unwavering commitment to a brighter future.

The official logo of Hazara Quami Mahaz Pakistan, which not only embodies our powerful slogans of rights, protection, and identification , but also serves as a beacon of hope for the Hazara community!